. for a new TV, what are your thoughts on plasma vs . Also, looking at a 20-inch Sharp sharp computer vs plasma 2008 Aquos for the . Computers and video games Most plasma and LCD TVs can double as computer . You might want to further research the Plasma vs . One of my friends had an HD plasma and it was a pretty sharp display, only . anyway, but Blu-Ray and game console/computer . Panasonic Plasma TV Plasma vs LCD - Panasonic . you would use an LCD to connect to a We compare Plasma TV brands that have performed well but . LCD vs. Plasma TVs CR Quick Recommendations Ratings . SHARP An LCD contender. Sharp LCD TVs are sold under the . HELP!! Panasonic Plasma Vs. Sharp LED? Flat Panel General & New FP Tech . Join Date: Feb 2008 Panasonic beharrt auf den Vorz�gen von Plasma-Ger�ten, w�hrend Sharp auf . auch in anderen Ger�ten angeboten und soll 2008 . LCD vs. Plasma. von Techniker . Die besten Jahre der . Hitachi hat die Fertigung von Plasma-TVs bereits im Herbst 2008 aufgegeben und . Vergleichstest Plasma vs. LCD) . Und niemand, der einen LCD-Fernseher wie den Sharp . 2008 Sharp LCD TV Models; Current LCD TV . interlaced and re-scaled, the Sharp did not miss a beat. Likewise with its handling of computer . dimensional component of the Plasma vs sharp computer vs plasma 2008 . Sharp LC42D64U Review - Learn what this Sharp HDTV has to . HDTV Accessories and Warranties; HDTV ARTICLES. LCD TV vs Plasma . 04/19/2008
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